mess making, knuckle skinning and general creative chaos

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Just Add Meat

My latest project involves cooking meat...

I have a New Braunfels smoker that I scored from the side of the road one early morning on the way to work. I sware I felt a disturbance in the force and heard the sound of every redneck in the county sniff the air when I was loading it in the truck; timing is everything.

The smoker is great. But keeping the wood going at a steady temperature is a challenge.
My solution came in the form of an old gas grill that had its last party this past summer. I took the valves and LP connectors, bought a new burner and bolted it all together in the smoke box.

Now I have a gas grill, an easy to regulate smoker and a custom rig that all my friends will envy.

Next step is to add the side burner on so I can cook the beans or boil water for corn on the cob.

Note the sweet knobs. They were on some valves and Cu pipe I was hoarding for scrap. See honey...thats why I keep all this shtuff around.
